Australia & New Zealand records in Australia & New Zealand

Discover your ancestors from Australia and New Zealand through our extensive collection of records from both countries. Without the use of census records you can explore our electoral rolls like Victoria Electoral Rolls or New Zealand Electoral Rolls 1925 to find your ancestors. Expand your family tree through service records like the New Zealand Boer War Servicemen. Did your ancestor arrive in Australia as a convict? To find out, search the New South Wales Convict Arrivals. Or are you a descendant of a notable Australian found in Johns Notable Australians? Reveal your farming roots by searching the Brands Directory South Australia. Use these and so many more Australia and New Zealand records to uncover your ancestry today.

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Discover your ancestors from Australia and New Zealand through our extensive collection of records from both countries. Without the use of census records you can explore our electoral rolls like Victoria Electoral Rolls or New Zealand Electoral Rolls 1925 to find your ancestors. Expand your family tree through service records like the New Zealand Boer War Servicemen. Did your ancestor arrive in Australia as a convict? To find out, search the New South Wales Convict Arrivals. Or are you a descendant of a notable Australian found in Johns Notable Australians? Reveal your farming roots by searching the Brands Directory South Australia. Use these and so many more Australia and New Zealand records to uncover your ancestry today.


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